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Guy de Maupassant (1850 - 1893)  

Maupassant was born in Normandy and raised, together with a younger brother, by their mother only, as she lived separated from her husband. He had a happy and free childhood, so when he went to a religious school he resented the atmosphere and the discipline. He went to Paris to study Law but had to join the army, during the years 1870-71, and witnessed the defeat of France in the war against Germany.
His mother was a close friend of Gustave Flaubert and he encouraged Maupassant to write for many years, during which he worked for different Ministries. Then Flaubert decided it was time for Maupassant to publish and introduced him to Zola and other famous writers of the time (Turgenev, De Goncourt, James). Between 1880 and 1891, 300 short-stories and 6 novels were published. The success was huge and enabled him to quit his job as a civil servant. So he went on working as a writer and as a journalist.
Despite his apparent healthy constitution, he had contracted syphilis when very young (his passion for women lasted all his life) and progressively worsened his conditions. He tried to commit suicide but did not succeed, so he was sent to an asylum where he died, crazy, shortly before his 43rd birthday.
Maupassant was a realistic writer, ha had no faith in life whatsoever and had a pesimistic and desperate vision of it. He loved the sea and the rivers and quite often water is present in his writings. He is considered the greatest French short-story writer.
His most famous works are: Tallow-Ball (1880) ; The Tellier House(1881) ; Mademoiselle Fifi (1882) ; A Woman's Life and Tales of the Goose (1883) ; Good Friend (1885) ; Mont-Oriol and The Horla (1887) ; Pierre et Jean Sur l'eau ; The Rose-Bush of Madame Husson(1888).

 - Maupassant par les textes (en sept langues)

a ormino, as mullers politas carezen de una intelichenzia proporzional a ra suya politeza
en a bida tot pende en dicherir bien. Asinas ye como l\'artista troba ra inspirazión, os chobens o deseyo d\'aimar, os pensadors as ideyas luminosas, e toz o goyo de bibir
marchamos ta debán enzegallaus por relichions ninils y barrenatas, calitratas por os debanpasatos cuentra la feredá d´o desinforme esconoximién
o matrimonio no ye más que l\'intercambeo de malos umors o tiempo d\'o diya e de malas ulors o tiempo d\'a nuei
o nuestro gran tormento en a bida promana de que estamos perén solos, y toz os nuestros esfuerzos, todas as nuestras aizions, no i son más que ta fuyir de ixa soledá
ta cualsiquier cosa que se quiera dizir, bi ha nomás una parola ta esprisar-la, nomás un berbo ta puxar-la e nomás un alchetibo ta calificar-la
un beso legal enxamás bale tanto como un beso furtato
ye millor ser infeliz en l\'aimor que infeliz en o matrimonio. Bels enfortunatos tienen esitos en os dos casos